My research interests include (but are not limited to:)) pattern
recognition, information retrieval, online communities,
bioinformatics, cryptography, and statistical natural language
processing. I also like working on practical inventions.
Refereed Publications
- U. Topkara, M. Topkara, M. J. Atallah, "Passwords for Everyone:
Secure Mnemonic-based Accessible Authentication", Proceedings of
the 2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Santa Clara, CA, June
17-22, 2007.
- M. Topkara, U. Topkara, M. J. Atallah, "Information Hiding
through Errors: A Confusing Approach", Proceedings of the SPIE
International Conference on Security, Steganography, and
Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, January 29- February 1, 2007,
San Jose, CA.
- U. Topkara, M. J. Atallah, M. Topkara,"Passwords Decay, Words
Endure: Secure and Re-usable Multiple Password Mnemonics ",
Proceedings of 22d Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC
07), Seoul, Korea, March 2007.
- M. Topkara, U. Topkara, M. J. Atallah, "Words Are Not Enough:
Sentence Level Natural Language Watermarking", Proceedings of ACM
Workshop on Content Protection and Security (in conjuction with ACM
Multimedia), Santa Barbara, CA, October 27, 2006.
- U. Topkara, M. Topkara, M. J. Atallah, "The Hiding Virtues of
Ambiguity: Quantifiably Resilient Watermarking of Natural Language
Text through Synonym Substitutions", Proceedings of ACM Multimedia
and Security Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, September 26-27, 2006.
- S. Jeyaraman, U. Topkara, "Have the cake eat it too: Infusing
Usability into Password Authentication Systems", Proceedings of the
21st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Tucson, AZ,
December 5-9, 2005.
Mehmet Koyuturk, Yohan Kim, Umut Topkara, Shankar Subramaniam,
Wojciech Szpankowski, and Ananth Grama, "Pairwise alignment of
protein interaction networks", Journal of Computational Biology,
13(2), 182-199, 2006.
Y. Kim, M. Koyuturk, U. Topkara, A. Grama, S. Subramaniam,
"Inferring Functional Information from Domain Co-evolution",
Bioinformatics, 22(1), 40-49, 2006.
M. Topkara, U. Topkara, C. Taskiran, E. Lin, M. J. Atallah,
E. J. Delp, "A Hierarchical Protocol for Increasing the
Stealthiness of Steganographic Methods", Proceedings of the ACM
Multimedia and Security Workshop, Magdeburg, Germany, September
20-21, 2004.
M. Atallah, V. Raskin, C. F. Hempelmann, M. Karahan, R. Sion,
U. Topkara, K. E. Triezenberg, "Natural Language Watermarking and
Tamperproofing", Proc. of the Information Hiding Workshop IHW 2002,
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer Verlag (LNCS).
Zhirong Wang, Umut Topkara, Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel, "Towards
Universal Speech Recognition", IEEE International Conference on
Multimodal Interfaces, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 14-16,
Theses and Dissertations
U. Topkara, "Information Security Applications of Natural Language
Processing Techniques", PhD Dissertation, Purdue University Computer
Science Department, West Lafayette, 2007.
U. Topkara, "Prefix-Suffix Based Statistical Language Models of
Turkish", MS Thesis, Bilkent University Computer Engineering
Department, Ankara, 2001.
Other Publications
- U. Topkara, C. X. Song, S. P. Park, J. Woo, P. Smith, "SORCERESS:
A Scalable, Extensible Real-Time Status Service for TeraGrid Condor
Resources", Proceedings of the 2007 Teragrid Conference, Madison, WI,
JUne 4-8, 2007.
C. X. Song, U. Topkara, J. Woo, and S.P. Park. "Assessing
Reliability of Grid Software Systems Using Emergent Features,"
The 2nd Workshop on Reliability and Robustness in Grid Computing
Systems, the 19th Open Grid Forum (OGF19), Chapel Hill, NC.
January 31, 2007.
- U. Topkara, C.X. Song, J. Woo, S.P. Park, "Connected in a
Small World: Rapid Integration of Biological Resources",
Grid Computing Environments Workshop (in conjuction with
Supercomputing'06), Tampa, FL, November 5, 2006.
Carol Song, Umut Topkara, Jungha Woo, Sang Phill Park, and Minou
Bina. Enabling Advanced Bioinformatics Research through SALSA: A
Scalable, Simple Architecture, TG06, Indianapolis, 2006.
C. Taskiran, U.Topkara, M. Topkara, E. J. Delp, "Attacks on Lexical
Natural Language Steganography Systems", Proceedings of the SPIE
International Conference on Security, Steganography, and
Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI, January 15 - 19, 2006, San
Jose, CA.
A. Kumcu, U. Topkara, A. Unal, "RFID Technology in Healthcare
Industry", Krannert Technology Forecast 2004-2006, Krannert School
of Management, Purdue University, 2004.
A. Kumcu, U. Topkara, A. Unal, "D-TRACK, Providing Intelligent Drug
Administration Technologies for Patient Safety", Purdue Life
Sciences Business Plan Competition, March 2004.
M.J. Atallah, S. Bangalore, D. Hakkani-Tur, M. Karahan,
S. Katzenbeisser, O. Rambow, G. Riccardi, and U. Topkara. "Proposal
for natural language watermarking". Summer Workshops at the Center
Language and Speech Processing Proposal Evaluations, 2003.
U. Topkara, I. Uysal, I. Yoncaci, "Networks with Dynamic
Topologies: A Greedy Algorithm for Satellite Placement Problem",
BAS2000, Ankara, 2000.
E. Cetin, E. Ozkural, U. Topkara, "Viewing Station: A Software for
Viewing and Analysis of DICOM images", Conference of Internet in
Turkey, Ankara, 1999.